Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Himalayam Balsam

This was an excellent spot today. Sharp-eyed Philippa noticed this Himalayam Balsam on broken ground where the Keltney Burn meets the Lyon. Invasive species, especially HB, are extremely difficult to identify at this time of year, and I had been anticipating having to re-do this section with volunteers later in the season to see if anything was there. We now know that there is. This is important in two regards. HB is very rare in the Tay system west of Aberfeldy, although TDSB confirmed its prescence near the Point of Lyon in 2006. We found some on the Dochart last year, now this area. Secondly, many river systems in Scotland are spending many tens of thousands of £ trying to eradicate these species, often when it it already too late. Dealing with these small areas now before they become an issue is very important. As far as we know, this is the first record of invasive plant species in the Lyon catchment. We will be giving this extra priority now later in the year, probably re-doing the main river and bigger burns by canoe, or by trained volunteers.
Well spotted Philippa!!
We found signs of mink on the lower Lyon today as well, another invasive species that we would be better off without.

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